It was another beautiful day here in Cedar Key.  This afternoon I decided to take a ride in a Cessna.

Cedar Key Aerial view

This is a wide view of Cedar Key with North Key visible in the upper left.  You can click on the image for a much larger view.

An interesting bit of information….  The city has a total area of 2.1 square miles (5.5 km2), of which 0.97 square miles (2.5 km2) is land and 1.2 square miles (3.0 km2), or 54.28%, is water.

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Below are more images of today’s ride.  I was shooting through a plastic window, so some of them have a little glare in them.

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In case you get the itch to take a ride, Marvin is a very experienced pilot.   It is a lot of fun and the views at a few hundred feet are fantastic!    I highly recommend it.   Look for him at the Cedar Key Airport on weekends.  I think he also parks a truck in town, with a sign on back, advertising his flights.

Aerial view of Cedar Key

Click the above image for a “Zoomify” view of this image.  Depending on your connection speed, it may take a few minutes to load the zoomed views.